Q.1 How to Exchange product?

Ans: First inform us about the exchange product picture & received product picture on whatsapp or call us & then packed the product & wait for courier to pick the parcel, when we received product at our warehouse then exchnaged product will be delivered to customer.

Q.2 How to claim refund & what is its policy?

Ans. We only refund if you received damaged product, broken on opening the parcel, & dont have replacement product in exchange in our warehouse then we will refund amount.

Q.3 How to place an order?

Ans: Add to cart your favorite product & click checkout & fill information ,& if you are unable to do that, then click whatsapp button and send information & pic of the product for order.

Q.4 How to give feedback?

Ans: Give us your feeback & suggestion on our product on websites & all social media platforms.

Q.5 How to customized size & product?

Ans: We do customization in size & design according to demand & ready your order with 7 to 10 days.

Q.6 How many days it takes for delivery?

Ans: It takes usually 3 to 5 working days, in main cities & it will take 5 to 9 days in distant areas & small cities.